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Book by Dr. David Wheeler
(Chiropractic Physician)
Water Empowerment For Life

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M-Water® (Primordial)

Transforming Water for Optimum Hydration
Now U.S. Patent Protected: U.S. Pat. No. 7,862,780

2 for 1 Special Offer!

Click Here to find out how to receive 2 for 1 on all bottles purchased and for important information when using the online shopping cart to order M-Water.
(16.9 fluid oz./ Primordial concentrate)

Price: $39.00
(16.9 fluid oz./ Primordial concentrate)

Price: $110.00 3 - bottle value pack
(16.9 fluid oz./ Primordial concentrate)

Price: $174.00 6 - bottle value pack
(16.9 fluid oz./ Primordial concentrate)

Price: $240.00 12 - bottle value pack
(16.9 fluid oz./ Primordial concentrate)

Price: $1728.00 24 - bottle value pack
Wholesale Pricing: Email info@healthbreakthroughs.net to apply for wholesale prices as a qualified reseller, which includes healthcare practitioners and retailers.

Health Benefits
Independent clinical studies prove that drinking sufficient amounts of M-Activated Water� created by adding small amounts of M-Water� to clean drinking water significantly increases cellular hydration within a few days and then stabilizes at higher levels over extended periods of time. In addition to increased energy and more available oxygen, drinking plenty of M-Activated Water� results in: better absorption and utilization of nutrients, decreased inflammation, more coherent brain chemistry, a better functioning immune system, more efficient digestion and elimination, clearer thinking, more balanced emotions, improved athletics and sports and over all improved cellular chemistry. Used in conjunction with Core Water�, long term clinical studies prove that there is a marked discharge of cellular toxins and balancing of body pH.

Product Description
M-Water� is a micro-structured water that contains high levels of stored energy and more available oxygen. Our patented M-Power Aqua Technology� is utilized to transform ultra purified water using the revolutionary Elix� system from Millipore� with the addition of small amounts of minerals from ancient clay sources. NMR O17 spectroscopic analysis proves that M-Water� contains much smaller H2O clusters than the same water that has not been transformed with Health Brea patent pending technology. Based on water memory transfer, ordinary clean drinking water is transformed with the addition of small amounts of M-Water�, with the stability of both M-Water� and the water it is added to � remaining stable with smaller H2O clusters for several months and even years. M-Water� is our foundational water product that can be used with his other more potent water products for a complete hydration program.

Directions for Use
Drink as is or for a more careful applied use of M-Water� over a long period of time, add half a capful of M-Water to clean drinking water for a refreshing and tasty water drink (or add the appropriate ratio of M-Water�, such as two capfuls to a gallon or even just a few drops in a small glass of water). To super charge the health benefits, take a capful of the undiluted M-Water� right after waking up and right before going to sleep. For optimum results, use one of the potent water products along with M-Water�: Core Water�, H2ORMUS� or Wisdom Water�.

M-Water Label

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Biography of Dr. David Wheeler
Aloe Vera & Glyconutrients
Saves a Doctor's Life!

GMP: Health Breakthroughs International products are made according to Good Manufacturing Practices
MPS GOLD® 100 is a replacement for Manapol® and Acemannan®
Dietrich Klinghardt M.D., Ph.D. recommends M-Water: world renowned for his breakthrough healing research
Successful Distribution in South Africa by Charles Wildervanck, M.D.
Correct Breathing For Optimum Health