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Book by Dr. David Wheeler
(Chiropractic Physician)
Water Empowerment For Life

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Contact, Ordering and Shipping Information

Email Address: info@healthbreakthroughs.net
Online Shopping Cart can be accessed here.
All Ordering Options can be found here.

Telephone Numbers:

For ordering and product questions: Toll Free in the USA at 888-342-6772 and international at 503-526-9130 The administrative office is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM, Pacific Standard Time.

Office Address:

Health Breakthroughs International, LLC
8196 Hall Blvd, Suite 108
Beaverton, Oregon 97008

Retail Price List:

The retail prices on all products can be accessed at the online shopping cart.

Wholesale Prices

To qualify for wholesale prices if you are a professional or own a legitimate business that will resell the products listed on this website, contact the administrative office by telephone or email. Refer to the contact information on this page to make an inquiry.

Send a Check: You can use the above mailing address to send a cashier’s check or money order in US Funds (no personal checks accepted). Be sure to contact us by email or phone so we can state shipping preferences and to find out what the shipping charges are.

Shipping: All packages are shipped in the USA by Federal Express Ground and International by US Postal Service Express Mail. To change the speed and method of shipping contact the office by email or telephone The email address is info@healthbreakthroughs.net. Refer to the telephone numbers at the top of the page.



Biography of Dr. David Wheeler
Aloe Vera & Glyconutrients
Saves a Doctor's Life!

GMP: Health Breakthroughs International products are made according to Good Manufacturing Practices
MPS GOLD® 100 is a replacement for Manapol® and Acemannan®
Dietrich Klinghardt M.D., Ph.D. recommends M-Water: world renowned for his breakthrough healing research
Successful Distribution in South Africa by Charles Wildervanck, M.D.
Correct Breathing For Optimum Health