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Book by Dr. David Wheeler
(Chiropractic Physician)
Water Empowerment For Life

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 International Orders

Health Breakthroughs International LLC products are shipped to over sixty countries worldwide for both retail and wholesale customers. Many doctors around the world use our products with their patients. Exclusive distributorships for these products may still be available in some countries, with private label opportunities. Patented M-Power Aqua Technology is also available for licensing to produce ready to drink commercially bottled water that is M-Activated as well as M-Water, Core Water and Core Nectar.

Our staff has a high level of expertise when it comes to shipping internationally. If you have an questions about receiving products in your country, 
Click Here to contact our knowledgeable staff.

Biography of Dr. David Wheeler
Aloe Vera & Glyconutrients
Saves a Doctor's Life!

GMP: Health Breakthroughs International products are made according to Good Manufacturing Practices
MPS GOLD® 100 is a replacement for Manapol® and Acemannan®
Dietrich Klinghardt M.D., Ph.D. recommends M-Water: world renowned for his breakthrough healing research
Successful Distribution in South Africa by Charles Wildervanck, M.D.
Correct Breathing For Optimum Health