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(Chiropractic Physician)
Water Empowerment For Life

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30-Day Money Back Guarantee

We at Health Breakthroughs International, LLC stand behind all of our products. At the same time we also want to offer the utmost in security for purchasers for the products we sell. Therefore, we offer a 30-Day Unconditional Money Back Guarantee for most products. (Money back guarantee, 10% off and 2for1 offers do not apply to any activation units.)

To return a product we would appreciate receiving an email or telephone communication so that we know a customer is shipping a product back for a refund. We do not refund shipping costs for the products you send back to us, which is fairly standard with any company offering unconditional money back guarantees and refunds for purchasing products.

Also, if you have any questions about our 30-Day Unconditional Money Back Guarantee, please call or email us to receive a timely answer. We look forward to serving you as our customer hopefully for many years and to help you achieve your desired level of health and well being.

Remember, our Unconditional Money Back Guarantee does not mean that we are guaranteeing that our products will achieve whatever objective you may have in mind, but instead is simply a satisfaction guarantee. For any reason whatsoever if you are not satisfied, you have the right to return any of our products for life and for a complete refund minus shipping costs to and from our offices in Beaverton, Oregon.

Health Breakthroughs International LLC
8196 SW Hall Blvd, Suite 108
Beaverton, Oregon 97008
USA toll free 888-342-6772
International 503-526-9130
Email Your Questions: info@healthbreakthroughs.net

Biography of Dr. David Wheeler
Aloe Vera & Glyconutrients
Saves a Doctor's Life!

GMP: Health Breakthroughs International products are made according to Good Manufacturing Practices
MPS GOLD® 100 is a replacement for Manapol® and Acemannan®
Dietrich Klinghardt M.D., Ph.D. recommends M-Water: world renowned for his breakthrough healing research
Successful Distribution in South Africa by Charles Wildervanck, M.D.
Correct Breathing For Optimum Health